Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Technology & Career Services - Group 2

Technology Tool
Wiki - PBwiki (

Service Idea
To facilitate communication between facilitators who all work with the same clients, at different times, in different classes/sessions.

Privacy - which can be addressed with archiving past information
Maintenance - who will do this? How will we have enough time to keep up?
Work-life balance- how to manage the opportunity this presents of checking into the site at night and over-working?


Captures information – beyond paper and saves trees J
Immediate feedback
Speeds up the time required for “catch up” of client process and enhances service delivery time
Offers a venue for facilitators that are ill or away to connect in and provide support or stay updated on progress
For clients – it offers an equal opportunity for air-time

Training on how to use it
Tech maintenance – who will clean it up?

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